Sports Therapy & Sports Massage are the two services I offer. Within these services I will apply various treatment techniques detailed here.
All sessions are £60
30-minute massage-only appointments available
Stretches and strengthening exercises will usually be prescribed to you in order to target weaknesses or range of movement deficits found during assessment. Making these achievable is crucial so they may range from calf raises whilst cleaning your teeth to a complete set of exercises to add to your gym plan.
Kinesio tape can help to stimulate the nervous system to change muscle firing patterns by improving your conscious awareness of movement. Athletic taping can be used alongside other treatment modalities to reinforce postural positions or to support acute injury to aid recovery.
Whichever sport or activity you participate in, it is essential that, towards the end of your rehabilitation journey, we mimic the stresses you will face during that sport to fully prepare the healed tissue to cope with the demands that will be placed upon it. Getting to know your sport is important for me to ensure you are fully prepared for this return.
Sport Specific Rehabilitation
Sports & deep tissue massage techniques can aid muscle relaxation by increasing blood flow and stimulating neural activity. A variety of massage techniques can be used to achieve different outcomes, from aiding recovery after intense training or competition to stimulating muscle recruitment in rehabilitation.
Sports Massage
Strengthening exercises can be prescribed to reduce the risk of recurrent injury, or prior to musculo-skeletal surgery decrease recovery time. Every sport has different demands and with this comes common injuries. Pre-hab can target vulnerable areas.
Trigger Point Therapy
Trigger point therapy and Myofascial release are both hands-on techniques used to create a reaction in muscle tissue via stimulation of the nervous system. These techniques can help improve movement and therefore assist to achieve the most from the rehabilitation exercises.
Various techniques can be applied to joints to improve glide, to ease restrictions or encourage movement. Improving joint range manually can help to reduce muscular tension and joint aches.
Joint Mobilisations
All lower limb injuries will impact how you walk. The brain is clever and will reshuffle which muscles do which jobs to protect injured ones. Gait re-education ensures you re-establish correct walking patterns as your injury heals.
Gait Re-education
Foundation Strength Training
Increase your strength & fitness without the worry of (re)injury. Together we explore the right program for you based on a thorough analysis of your weaknesses and previous injuries. Learn new movement patterns and lifting exercises that will build a strong foundation for you to pursue the exercise or sport that you love.
Unsure? Have Questions?
If you’re struggling to decide if I can help, which service or treatment you need or would like to discuss your needs before committing to a session, just drop me a message, email, or give me a call.
I am always happy to discuss your concerns and outline how I might help you.