Neck and Shoulder Pain
When assessing the neck and shoulder it is important to differentiate between muscular pain in the neck & uppper back, versus pain in the shoulder joint (known as the gleno-humeral joint).
Muscular Pain
Muscular pain, often described as a tension or ache, that may sometimes cause headaches, can originate from sitting for prolonged periods, sleeping awkwardly, long periods driving or occasionally a sudden increase in activity. It can be treated with hands-on massage therapy and mobilisations to restore range of motion and reduce sensitivity.
Some neck and shoulder range of motion exercises, as well as light strengthening where necessary, can be prescribed.
Shoulder Joint Pain
Shoulder joint pain can occur from a number of sources, including:
Rotator cuff tendinopathy
Subacromial pain
Shoulder impingement (this is an outdated term, more likely the source is from conditions outlined above
Shoulder dislocation
A thorough understanding of the full history of your shoulder pain is crucial. I will ask questions like when and why did it start? What exacerbates and what eases pain? What activity is the pain restricting you doing?
During a Sports Therapy session we will assess your joint range of motion, test muscular strength; particularly of the rotator cuff and analyse the painful movements.
The findings of this assessment will underpin the treatment applied; this might be some hands-on mobilisations, and the rehabilitation prescribed. Rehabilitation is always progressive and I believe in setting small micro-targets to inform when rehabilitation should be progressed and when our next session should take place.
Call or drop me a message now to discuss (for free with no obligation to book) your complaint, to see if I can help.
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