Lower Back Pain
Lower back pain can be debilitating, recurrent, long lasting and very frustrating. Usually it is nothing to be concerned about and is commonly related to a cycle of pain leading to reduced movement, which progressively reduces strength and heightens the body’s protective reflex systems that trigger muscular spasm.
Sports Therapy will ascertain the route cause of your back pain via a thorough history and discussion, followed by a physical assessment. Hands-on techniques can be used to reduced muscle spasm, and rehabilitation exercises to address any underline weakness or reduced joint movements. This approach will combat the pain long-term, rather than just improving episodic symptoms.
If you have suffered recurrent or prolonged pain in your back it is likely that an overly sensitive nervous system is at play. This means that there is unlikely to be any tissue or structural damage to your back, including disc pathologies.
But instead the nerves reporting stimulus to your brain are set at a lower threshold & upon reaching the brain that is set to ‘extra cautious’, thus creating a pain sensation to protect you from the perceived harm.
Understanding how & why pain is generated, is very powerful when trying to recover from long-term, persistent pain and will be part of my treatment sessions.
Let’s have a talk about your pain before deciding if you would like to book. Drop me an email or a text to arrange a time.
Questions or something you would like to discuss? Contact me now for a free phone consultation